Saturday, June 4, 2011

Jabar and Megan's wedding

Jabar and Megan's Milwaukee wedding was a big family reunion.  Megan had felt like a part of the family for a long time, so the entire weekend's focus was on stress-free fun (for us at least -- Megan might disagree about the stress-free part!)

Here are a few pictures to summarize the weekend:

The festivities began with lunch and mayaan Friday afternoon at the house:

It was great to see the Telford Atwals for the third straight summer!

My favorite random non-wedding related picture from the weekend.  Soph was a running MACHINE.  "Come get me!"

Morning of the wedding.  Jabar looking regal as ever. Check out that expertly pinned kulgi!

Megan looked so fantastic, you just felt like *squeezing* her.


Is there time for a VARP picture during a solemn wedding ceremony?

The groomsmen and bridesmaids.

Back at the house, hanging out with "Policeman Chach" and waiting for Megan and Jabar to arrive.

They're here ...

The reception was held at the Milwaukee zoo, where the warm colors Megan chose for the decor worked perfectly with the venue.  Bonus:  as we walked to the venue, a peacock strolled right by us.

Simar was looking smiley and elegant, despite a dental emergency less than 48 hours ago:

The happy couple:

Delicious and unique cake:

Not sure if this is before or after Soph bit Pranav's face.  Literally.  As a joke.

Mrs. Brown getting in on the jago:


"I know you're trying to eat, Chachiji, but ... are you a princess?"

Looks like trouble.

Double dholis:  Paviter and "Baby Neil Shah".

And ... a surprise dholi:

I have no idea who these young chaps are, but I find them awesome.

It's always so fun to watch Aman on the dancefloor:

Hats off to this Mamaji & Mamiji for their continuted tradition of matchy-matchy. Whether the color of the hour is peach, lime green, salmon or aqua, they will always find a way to match.

Speaking of matchy matchy.... SPOTTED:

The requisite family group shot at the end of the evening.

The festivities concluded Sunday morning with a delicious picnic brunch at Parvinder Mamaji's house.  Pooris, channa masala, and fresh fruit.  Yum!

 Thanks to the Sanghas & Browns for a wonderful weekend -- we had a blast!